It is fun and rewarding to help people discover the roots of their family, especially when I know I have given them the tools to do their own research because finding it yourself is the best part of all!
It's those words of thanks, amazement, and awe that I receive when someone has had a question answered, an ancestor found, a document found.
Below are some examples:
Thank you, Angie, for getting back to me with so much helpful information, and so quickly! Thanks, too, for the tips on the text. I love the way the stories in your book flow right along with the historical references. It's clear that you are and always were very close to the families you write about. That, too, is key, having a heart connection to the people you are remembering, whether you actually knew them or not. Thanks again, Angie.
I can't thank you enough for the links you just sent to your previous two books! I previewed them both and will get to the library as soon as I can for the real things (only because the previewed text is so small and I want to savor everything!). I am so impressed by your work--what you write about our obligations (that is, we "chosen ones") to future generations by recording family histories, and how you incorporate stories, records, memorabilia, and photographs to make it all come alive. You have already gotten me thinking about how to better use some of the many family records that have been left to me.
I’m flabbergasted !!! And to think that I had this info in my possession all these years; of course, it would have helped if I could read Italian and decipher handwriting!!! Thank you for sharing all of this, I am still processing it all.
Angie, you are such an inspiration !!
Hello Angela
I can't thank you enough for all of the descendants documents and other documents on your website. I have used them extensively. As an example, some of them, the Italian death certificate for my father's mother and ship manifests, completely conflicted with stories me and my cousins were told about the why and when of her death. You were right when you told me official documents are the most trusted sources. Thanks again!
Oh my goodness, thank you for this! Adelaide Ucci has been a puzzle I have been trying to figure out for a while now! Her birthplace was listed as France on several Census records and American documents, but it didn't make sense to me as her birth date would have been post-Napoleon. Thanks also for the local church records, too. Even if I had been at the church and found them myself, I never would have looked at those names and figured out that was my grandfather! The many versions of names for one person has indeed been a struggle for me in finding records.
Hi Angie,
OMG, that certainly answered a lot of questions we all had. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into finding this information! You're amazing and so glad we have someone in our family like you. Thank you so much! Mom and Dad would have loved all this information.
I want to thank you for the information that you provided, it’s a generation more than I could locate. I can’t express how grateful I am for this information that you have provided.
You strike again! I did NOT know that my father was baptized Severio. I've heard over the years (after he passed away) comments that this was supposed to be his name but it ended up Samuel. On our recent trip a surviving cousin of my father kept referring to him as Severio, as did some of her children, all adults. It was always a bit of a mystery to me and you have solved it. What great timing! Moreover, I love the name Severio. And our first, and to date only, grandchild is named Sam, after my dad. We can add this to the story when we tell him about his namesake and great-grandfather